Outdoor Updates from the LC Adventure Club
by Neel Clarke
A bluebird day on Mount Spokane.
Mountain Report:
With ski season starting up soon, Lewis and Clark Adventure Club will be bringing you updates on mountain conditions for Mt. Spokane, Schweitzer, Lookout, and 49 Degrees North. For more regular updates and more information, join us in Adventure Club! Currently, ski season has not officially started, but as of now, the NOAA predicts a La Nina winter which means lots of precipitation and chilly temperatures; good news for anyone looking to hit the pow this season! Schweitzer opens November 25th, Mt. Spokane opens December 1st, and both Lookout Pass and 49 Degrees North open December 2nd.
Both Beacon Hill and Riverside State Park have nice clean trails for riding and hiking. Go check them out! Winter Events on the mountains will be starting up in December, so be on the lookout for information on that.
REMINDER!! LC Adventure Club would like to issue a reminder that while action sports are AWESOME and we want to see more people participating in the outdoors, safety should always be #1. The fit is never complete without a helmet/safety gear.
Opportunities to Get Outside
The Lewis and Clark Adventure Club generally meets in the mornings from 7:30-7:50 in room 021. Meeting times/dates may vary, so be sure to join our Remind by texting 81010 to @LCadve for updates and information. If you are interested at all in outdoor activities such as skiing (of all kinds), hiking, fishing, running (and more!), please join us! We’ll be holding a fund run on December 17th at 6 PM at Hart Field. Registration fee is donation based. Monday morning Dawn Patrols will be starting up when the snow falls, so join our Remind for info on that!
The Lewis and Clark Fly Fishing Society meets Fridays at 7:00. If you are interested in fly-tying, fishing, or anything related, come by room 221!
The Lewis and Clark Environmental Club meets Wednesdays at 7:20 in room 229. They provide volunteer opportunities to clean the planet and community around LC. New members are always welcome!
Opportunities are always arising outside LC to participate outdoors as well! Check out the Inland Northwest Land Conservancy website for things like tree planting, trash cleanups, and more. If you want to contribute to the mountain biking scene in Spokane, check out the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance for trail building, classes, group rides, and more. If you want to recreate more responsibly, visit the REI website to register for classes like avalanche safety, ski safety, or even map reading and knot-tying. Adventure Club may be able to connect you with information surrounding sales, discounts, and other general class info!
Edited by Mara Bech